Release agent type compatible with film faced plywood in the concrete construction

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  • Release agent type compatible with film faced plywood in the concrete construction

What is release agent and its importance with film faced plywood?

A release agent, also known as a form release agent or form oil, is a substance applied to the surface of formwork (such as film faced plywood) before pouring concrete. Its primary function is to prevent the concrete from adhering to the formwork, allowing for easy removal of the formwork after the concrete has cured, and support to have a good surface finish of concrete.

The importance if using release agent when using film faced plywood for concrete formwork:

  • Prevent Concrete Bonding, provide smooth finish of concrete surface
  • Easy removal the panel
  • Prolong the Film Faced Plywood lifespan: Minimize the risk of phenolic film crack upon removal, allow the multiple uses of the film faced plywood.
  • Save cost and time by avoiding the need for excessive cleaning or repair to the panel for the next pouring time.

3 Types of release agent widely use in the construction projects

1 Water base release agent

Water base release agent is an eco-friendly and easy to use item. The water-based release agent is the mixture of water, surfactant and additives. This type of release agent is the most suitable for TADEX Film Faced Plywood as it provides a good release properties with less residue and is compatible with our Phenolic film surface.

If the very smooth & even light color surface finish of concrete is required, Water-base release agent is the best choice.

2 Silicone base release agent

Silicone base release agent offer ecellent release properties and prevent the concrete adhesion effectively. This type of release agent can be applied in liquid or aerosol form. This type of release agent also compatible with film faced plywood, and provide a good surface finish of concrete.

3 Oil base release agent

Oil base release agent such as petroleum-based or vegetable oil-based product are commonly used in the concrete construction. It offers a good release properties, however, it may leave some residue on the Phenolic Film Surface (PSF) which may require additional cleaning after formwork removal, compare to the previous 2 types of release agent.

The suitability of a release agent for TADEX film faced plywood will be depending on factors such as: the budget for this item, the desired concrete finish, and specific project requirements.

How to apply the release agent on plywood panel?

To apply the release agent on the Phenolic Film Surface before formwork, herein is 6 steps:

1 Select the appropriate release agent

If you want an eco-friendly product, provide a very smooth concrete surface finish, and the most compatible with TADEX Phenolic Film Surface, Water-base release agent is our recommendation.

If you want an item can provide a exellent release properties, good concrete surface finish, and can apply in liquid or aerosol form, Silicone base release agent is a suitable option.

Oil-based release agent is a common item, it is suitable for a standard concrete surface finish.

2 Prepare the Phenolic Film Surface

Ensure that the film faced plywood is clean, dry, and free from any dirt, dust, or debris. If needed, wipe the surface with a clean cloth or use compressed air to remove any loose particles.

3 Apply the release agent

Study the user manual on the packaging/documents before using the release agent, ensure that the release agent covers the entire surface uniformply, leaving no dry spots.  

4 Allow the release agent to dry upon the manufacturer instruction

5 Verify the application

 Check that the release agent has formed a thin and continuous layer on the film faced plywood. It should have a glossy appearance or a sheen indicating proper coverage.

6 Proceed with formwork assembly

Once the release agent has dried and is evenly applied, proceed with the assembly of the film faced plywood in the formwork system. Ensure that the plywood is properly aligned, secured, and supported according to the specific formwork design and requirements.

Where to buy the release agent?

Release agents can be purchased from various sources: Building Material Supplier, Online Retailer, Distributor Website, …

Some release agent brands that you can easily find from the above source: