4 Things that make Vietnam Film Faced Plywood different from other origins

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Vietnam Film Faced Plywood TADEX

4 Things that make Vietnam Film Faced Plywood difference from other origins

Vietnam is one of the biggest supplier for Plywood Market worldwide and getting more popular. Accounting for the fast growth, it is Film Faced Plywood which is the best-seller using for construction. There are various characteristics that differ Vietnam Film Faced Plywood from other countries’ products. In this article, we will share the 4 most unique features that will bring outstanding advantage to user.

1/ Materials is suitable for construction use

As a tropical country, Vietnam is the perfect land for hardwood species to grow. Acacia and Eucalyptus are 2 hardwood species are being planting widely in the north regions of Vietnam. According to the Vietnam Administration of Forestry, Vietnam now has more than 4.3 million hectares planted forest. Hardwood is being used as the core of plywood makes the product more durable and can reduce bending during usage. This one of the reason now Vietnam Film Faced Plywood is favored over softwood core such as birch and polar from China and Russia.

Explore more application of Film Faced Plywood

2/ Competitve price

Benefiting from cheap labor and resourceful materials, Vietnam Plywood manufacturers could offer a very competitive price. If compare to China or Malaysia Plywood, there will be a big price gap between these countries and Vietnam products while the products quality is like 9 and 10. Customers might look for Vietnam Film Faced Plywood as a perfect alternative and a new products category.

3/ Diverse specifications

With the experience of exporting to many different markets like: Korea, Malaysia, Middle East, USA, Eurpore, Israel… Vietnam Plywood Factories are exposed to various special requirements. As the result, you can easily find any qualities and sizes for Film Faced Plywood in Vietnam. TADEX team will consult you with the best solution, from most economy to the highest quality, from 2×4 size to 1250x2500mm size.

4/ Favorable trade policies

Since Vietnam become the WTO member, the government has made a great stride towards trade facilication especially in export field. Now Vietnam has signed FTA with almost countries worldwide and Plywood Importers take advantage from FTA such as: EVFTA (Europe-Vietnam), CPTPP, VKFTA (Vietnam-Korea), VJFTA (Vietnam-Japan), ASEAN FTA,…

Thanks to strategic visions about Forestry products of Vietnamese government. Developing a sustainable and high quality planted forest industry is one of the main focus in the next 20 years of the country. Vietnam has a big potential to become the biggest and indispensable supply for Plywood and Wood products in general. If you have any interests in Vietnam Plywood, please don’t hesitate to contact TADEX for the COMPREHENSIVE & FREE advices.