3 reasons why of using plywood material for packaging

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  • 3 reasons why of using plywood material for packaging

Wood-based products are being promoting and becoming more popular than ever around the globe for climate mitigation goals. Wood-based plywood packaging has been rapidly gaining traction and the market is projected to grow at around 5% every year. Designed with the global supply chain in mind, it provides unparalleled shipping bearing strength and durability at a surprisingly low cost. In this article, 3 biggest benefits of using plywood for packaging are discussed.

1/ Durability

Plywood is designed to last. This packaging material is the perfect choice for protecting products against various transport conditions, long-term storage, and climate conditions. It is made from thin layers of wood sheets with the grain direction of each piece glued and laid perpendicularly to build up desired thickness making it strong yet lightweight. The solid structure enables stacking abilities both in transit and warehousing without the risk of damages, while the low weight creates a cost-effective solution that is suitable for air, road, and rail transport.

Cable Drums Plywood

2/ Versatility

Another great advantage of plywood is its customization. The packing plywood could be easily adjusted the appearance, strength, weight,…by combining different kinds of wood species. Depending on the application – whether the product is heavy, bulky, and needing long-term protection, or it is light and shipping one-way, it can be tailored to accommodate the supply chain needs. Even the type of glue used for laminating the layers of plywood can be customized depending on the climate conditions it is expected to withstand. Clean and bright color wood specie like Pine is often favored for high-quality products packaging as Logo or brand name can be easily printed on.

tadex packing plywood for packaging wooden crate, 梱包合板, 포장 합판


3/ Environment-Friendly

Wood is a natural and renewable resource. Trees can be replanted and harvested sustainably, making it a more sustainable choice compared to materials that are not renewable, such as plastic or metal. By using more wood-based products, we are encouraging forest growers and enterprises to develop planting trees with industrial scale. Wooden products generally require less energy to produce compared to materials like metal or plastic. The manufacturing processes for plywood typically involve less energy-intensive methods, resulting in a lower carbon footprint. As governments around the globe are looking into different ways to reduce CO2 emission, they will issue new policy to promote “green trend”, wooden products like plywood surely will become one of the important materials in packaging industry.

TADEX Plywood is a eco-friendly material

TADEX is providing various kinds of plywood suitable for packaging. We are offering both cost-effective packing plywood and the commercial plywood which is often the good choice for high-value products with different customization for the customers. For more information, please contact us for more details and proper advices.


포장 합판, 梱包合板, pengepakan kayu lapis, packing plywood, ベトナム合板, 베트남 합판, דיקט וייטנאם